About Sanavi

Who we are

Welcome to Sanavi Health Solutions.  During the process of naming the company, a friend and professional collegue suggested Sanavi, which is  Latin meaning to heal, cure, correct , quiet.  It seemed like a natural fit for the name of a company which has the goal of helping improve the health and lifestyles of individuals, realizing of course, that the ability to do so is limited by a variety of key factors and that indiviudal results will naturally vary depending also on a variety of factors.

What we do

As an organization, we seek health care related products from reputable sources which have demonstrated the ability to provide improvement to health and lifestyle; we then put each product to the test ourselves and then market those products which we believe will provide desired health related benefits and which will do the most good.  Results for each individual will vary depending on many factors impacting the results.  

The testimonials on this site are evidence of the health and lifestyle improvements many have achieved with the products offered on this site.  Results vary by individual and those reported in the testimonials may not be representative.  We invite you to put any of the products to the test yourself.   When you do, you will probably find yourself adding your personal testimony of success and improvement to the list.  Of course, every individual understands that their success with improving health and lifestyle compared to others will vary.

Privacy Policy

Your individual privacy is a matter of very high priority for Sanavi.  Any confidential information received by Sanavi will be used only for the intended purpose, which is to accurately and timely deliver the products and services you are seeking.  We safeguard to the best of our ability any confidential information received from any unauthorized use.

Terms of Use

Any user of the information, products, or services on this site must agree to the following terms and conditions: It is agreed and understood that the owners of this site shall not be liable, or held liable, directly or indirectly, for incidental or consequential loss in any form or for any result for the use or inability to use information, any products or any services or the misuse of information, any products or any serivces on this site in any manner which is not in accordance with the intended use or uses.

Legal Disclaimer

Before starting any diet or exercise program, or taking any health supplements, or if there is any question or concern about the condition of your health, you are encouraged to consult with a healthcare provider. 

Information presented on this site is not intended to replace advice or consultation with any healthcare professional and is provided for informational purposes only.

Sanavi Health Solutons and its owners have presented information on this site as accurately as possible based on their knowledge at the time of presentation.  Information  on this site may be updated and changed without notice, and by nature is limited in its scope and may not include all  limitations, facts, terms and conditions related to information, products or services offered.

These statements have not been evaluated by HPUS  (Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States) or the FDA.  Information on this website is not intended to diagnose or cure any disease.

Products offered on this site are manufactured in FDA registered facilities  which follow GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) as regulated by the FDA and HPUS.

Please email us at info@sanavihealthsolutions.com with any questions or comments.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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