Vitamin D3 TestimonialsTestimonials for Vitamin D-3 I can’t believe one squirt is doing this. I get more miles by the day with my Vitamin D-3. I went to see my PA (Physician’s Assistant) and she wanted to see the D-3 for herself because I am doing so well. I’m now using it on my hip in the morning after I shower. When I wake up in the morning with my hip hurting I use one squirt and rub it into that spot, and well, the hurt is gone. It’s unbelievable! I wasn’t expecting it to work so well and keep me going throughout the day. It’s the truth! Glo, 88, NY I was having a hard time getting over an emotional issue. I started using the D-3 cream and I feel happier, with more energy and I’m motivated to do things that kind of bug me. D-3 gives me a happy, energetic edge on the day and I am getting much more accomplished. Jane, 43, AZ I didn’t think it would work, but I noticed the benefits right away. D-3 gave me more energy and made me happier. I’m not so tired during the day after getting up early, running (cross country), attending school and other activities and then doing my homework. Rylee, 15, AZ I was surprised at what a little bit of lotion could do for me. I have more energy, am happier and I don’t need a nap in the afternoon with my preschooler. I didn’t take it for a couple of weeks and my husband noticed! I’m getting some for him also. Carol, 37, NC I exercise a great deal either by running out doors, running on a treadmill or riding a high speed bike. I am in good shape physically, but was experiencing that run down feeling. I started taking the Vitamin D3 cream once a day and within a few days I was feeling more energetic and alert. It is truly a remarkable product and I recommend it highly. Guy, 39, AZ I feel better when I am using the Vitamin D-3 cream; I’m more awake and alert. I work part time and am a wife and mother of three. I like to spend time in my garden spring through fall. During the winter months I feel like the Vitamin D-3 is pumpin’ out the sunshine for me. I like the creamy texture; it’s not wimpy and watered down. Daphnie, 24, ID Until I started taking Vitamin D3 cream I was feeling like most of my energy was gone out of me early each day. My sleep was not re-energizing me and I was especially tired if I had to stay up late. After absorbing one pump of the Vitamin D3 cream each day for several days my life began changing. I was not tired early in the day even when staying up late. I did not feel groggy, I began feeling energized! I feel like I am a new man. This stuff is amazing! Mark, 37, NC I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I enjoy doing things with my family and am always on the go. I do volunteer work for my church and am involved in a business startup. I seldom take time to rest. The Vitamin D3 helps keep me full of energy and I enjoy its results each day. Pat, 59, AZ The Vitamin D3 healed three persistent itchy spots within days of application where more than one ointment had been applied with no results over a period of several months. Ruth, 80, NY |